Awareness, Amazon Prime premiere

Awareness, Amazon Prime premiere

On October 11, Awareness (Daniel Benmayor) will premiere on the Amazon Prime platform. Filmed in 2022, it has the Portia Winery, located in Gumiel de Izán, as one of the most outstanding locations as can be seen in the trailer: The avant-garde architecture of the...
“Un país para leerlo” visits Burgos

“Un país para leerlo” visits Burgos

On Thursday, October 5, at 19:10 on La 2, the chapter of “Un país para leerlo” filmed in the city of Burgos will be broadcasted. Raquel Lanseros and XL Producciones TV visited Burgos last summer. In the...
25th Anniversary of El milagro of P. Tinto

25th Anniversary of El milagro of P. Tinto

On Saturday, September 9, the 25th anniversary of the premiere of “El milagro de P. Tinto” (Javier Fesser, 1998) will be celebrated. The acclaimed filmmaker chose the La Revilla halt to set the atmosphere of the P. Tinto family’s home. Accompanied by...