The fourth edition of ‘Ponme un corto’, Huerta de Rey’s short film festival, reached its climax with the celebration of the Awards Gala on Saturday 21st September.


Kika Films and the Huerta de Rey Town Council are the two main entities behind this project. On this occasion, Burgos Film Commission has participated as part of the jury of the local section as well as in the awarding of the ‘Alfonso Cámara’ honour prize, one of the Festival’s promoters.

This is the list of winners of this edition

▪️ Javier Celay, for ‘Yegua’, management award

▪️ Luis Bermejo, for ‘Pathos’ and Marta Fuenar, for ‘Patata’, performance award

▪️ Sergio Rica, for ‘PeluquerIA’, and Nagore and Nora Molinero, for ‘Me cuentas un cuento’, our interpreter award

▪️ Alessandro Salentino and Gianluca Zonta, for ‘L’Aquario’, screenplay award

▪️ David Pérez Sañudo, for ‘Artesanía’ and ‘El rey de la semana’, Special Mention of the Ribsa Foundation Jury

▪️ ‘El trono’, Lucía Jiménez, audience award

▪️ ‘Pathos’, Andrea Noceda, Victoria award

▪️ ‘Periquitos’, Alex Rey, and ‘Wan’, Víctor Monigote, Animation award

▪️ ‘La lámpara de la memoria’, CEAS Huerta, Local award Galvani Studios

▪️ ‘Autumn’, Jean Marie Villeneuve, Los 90 PNR award

▪️ ‘Patata’, Emilio González, Pasarela a Salas award

▪️ ‘Broken wings’, Jorik Dozy & Sil van der Woerd, A Cineco award

▪️ ‘Superhost’, Joan Alamar, Gamusinos award

▪️ ‘Grecorromanos’, Mikel Bustamente, Cencor 5/10 award

▪️ ‘Lapatza’, Pablo Palomera, Distribución Movibeta award

▪️ ‘PeluquerIA’, Berta Monje y Antonio Forcada, Kika Kills award

▪️ ‘La trashumancia: los lobos de Huerta’, CRA La Demanda, Nuestra Historia award

▪️ ‘Vuelve a quererme’, Lucía Zamora, Puebla Film Festival 2.0 award

▪️ ‘La trashumancia: los lobos de Huerta’, ‘PeluquerIA’, ‘Operación Lobo’ and ‘La lámpara de la memoria’, Rumbo a Puebla awards

▪️ Certamen de Cine Corto de Salas, Alfonso Cámara Honour Award